Due to the three organising partners on two continents,
Mma Courage addresses a broad but very diverse audience.
The Market Theatre / Johannesburg
is a place with a fine tradition, setting new artistic and political
standards during the Apartheid era and gaining world wide reputation
as the “voice of the
struggle for freedom”. Even today the Market Theatre leads
the way, combining the cultural and ethnic diversity of the country
with international Theatre trends and representing the modern, urban
South Africa. The structure of the audience reflects the explicitly
multicultural schedule: Along with the prevailing Black core audience,
the number of Indian, Coloured and Asian spectators rises continuously.
The South African State Theatre Pretoria / Tshwane
emphasises on investments for the future. New audiences are targeted
by specific collaborations with universities, local cultural initiatives
and township communities. The state-aided “Development Programme” is
considered as South Africa’s talent factory, from which many
internationally renowned artists have emanated, such as Mpumelelo
Paul Grootboom himself or Academy Award Winner Presley Chweneyagae
In their respective audience segment, both theatres are the most
important companies in Southern Africa.

Vienna’s ImPulsTanz is one of the biggest dance & performance
festivals worldwide. The festival focuses on a loyal core audience
aged 18+ with a good income and a lively interest in new forms of
performing arts. Furthermore, it attracts thousands of performance
enthusiasts and dance professionals from Europe and Overseas. In
2008, almost 100,000 people attended the festival. danceWEB, an international
dance platform in the context of ImPulsTanz, networks between students,
choreographers and companies and supports young artists from all
over the world by scholarships.
All three organising partners are best-positioned in their respective
surroundings, appreciated by opinion leaders and internationally
well connected. The international project will be supported by the
diplomatic representations of the respective countries and therefore
attended by embassy officials. |